Posts Tagged ‘ Republican ’

Birth Certificates and the Politics of Conspiracy

Today is April 27, 2011. This is the first day that anyone but the most fanatical conspiracy nut actually has proof that Barrack Hussein Obama was  born a citizen of these United States of America. Now don’t get me wrong. I never thought he wasn’t. But, the longer the conspiracy was out there, the bigger the story got.

Of course, releasing his birth certificate on the White House website will do little to sate the appetite of some conspiracy hounds. These are the ravenous beasts that actually believe there is a secret New World Order led by the evil lizard aliens with Donald Rumsfeld at the helm. They believe aliens live underground and are conspiring to warm the Earth and run us to extinction. Yes, much more believable than what is on the surface.

These fruitcakes still believe that Proctor and Gamble is at the head of a secret order of Satanists that was brought together in a secret cabal by Walt Disney himself. After all, why else would P&G have a satanic symbol in their logo? Why else would Disney allow the evil and hedonistic gay week?

have a cold one on me

That said, these folks typically worship at the altar of Beck and his priestess the wise and omnipresent Rev. Palin. So, I guess stupidity breeds stupidity. Well, I guess that isn’t fair. Beck isn’t stupid. He is a smart man who is making money hand over fist on the backs of jackasses. If he believes a half of the shit he spews, the asylum is where he should be.

Back to the puppet in chief. I know he is so smart and is so full of hope and bullshi…. I mean change. But, why wouldn’t the guy just show the birth certificate and put this thing to rest. This proves he is just another typical out of touch politician.

Of course, we already knew that given the fact that polls showed he only had about 35% approval for his health care disaster. In fact, it showed in the midterms when he got pwned by the cry babies.

I gotta be honest here. I am a Republican, or, at least that is what the voter card says. From the time I registered to vote, I followed the party line until I came to a simple truth. People are people and politicians are politicians. I identify more with the Libertarians but they can’t stop smoking pot and partying long enough to get serious. So, I am in favor of the only way to bring about common sense in politics. A take over of the GOP by the Libertarians. It is happening slowly but surely with the Pauls and it will continue until the crybabies are gone from the party.